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What is
High-Tech Park?

A High Technology Park (HTP) is a designated geographic area that provides a conducive environment for technology-based companies to grow and thrive. These parks offer a range of benefits, including tax incentives, infrastructure support, research and development facilities, and access to a skilled workforce.

HTPs serve as innovation hubs, fostering collaboration between businesses, universities, and research institutions. By concentrating technology-oriented companies in one location, HTPs create synergies that drive economic growth and technological advancement.

Grow your business in Belarus 

Belarus has emerged as a thriving hub for IT businesses. The country’s High Technology Park (HTP) offers a unique ecosystem designed to foster innovation and growth. With its favorable tax regime, world-class infrastructure, and skilled IT talent pool, Belarus provides an ideal environment for startups and established IT companies alike.

By setting up your business within the HTP, you can benefit from a range of incentives, including tax breaks, simplified administrative procedures, and access to a supportive business community.

HTP Belarus

High Tech Park Benefits for Your Business

The Belarus High Technology Park (HTP) offers numerous advantages for IT businesses. Companies operating within the HTP benefit from a significantly reduced tax burden, allowing for greater reinvestment in growth and development. Additionally, the park provides access to a robust infrastructure, including high-speed internet and modern office spaces. Perhaps most importantly, the HTP boasts a highly skilled IT workforce, ensuring businesses have the talent needed to succeed.

Business plan for HTP entry

Navigating the complexities of entering the Belarus High Technology Park (HTP) requires a strategic approach. Ambylegal offers comprehensive business plan development services tailored to HTP entry. Our experts will work closely with you to create a robust plan outlining your business goals, market analysis, financial projections, and legal compliance strategy. With our guidance, you can increase your chances of successful HTP admission and long-term prosperity.

Seamless HTP Entry with Turnkey Paperwork

Simplify your HTP journey with Ambylegal’s turnkey paperwork solutions. Our expert team will handle all the necessary documentation, ensuring compliance with HTP regulations and saving you valuable time and resources. From residency permits to business registration, we streamline the process, allowing you to focus on building your business.

Why Ambylegal 

Navigating the complex landscape of High-Tech Transfer (HTP) requires specialized legal guidance. Ambylegal offers comprehensive HTP consulting services designed to address the unique challenges faced by businesses involved in technology transfer. Our team of experienced legal professionals provides in-depth knowledge and practical solutions to protect your intellectual property, optimize business operations, and mitigate risks.

From licensing and commercialization agreements to compliance with regulatory frameworks, Ambylegal is your trusted partner in HTP. Our consultation services cover a wide range of legal aspects, including technology valuation, due diligence, and dispute resolution. We work closely with clients to understand their specific needs and develop tailored strategies that align with their business objectives.

Our Services

Turnkey HTP Membership
Streamline your entry into the Belarus High Technology Park. Enjoy comprehensive setup assistance, including legal, tax, and HR support, to ensure a smooth transition.
Business Project Advisement
Develop a winning business plan tailored to HTP requirements. Our experts provide in-depth market analysis, financial projections, and strategic guidance to maximize your chances of approval.
Comprehensive Legal Services
Receive expert legal counsel across the full spectrum of HTP operations. From contract drafting and intellectual property protection to dispute resolution, we provide comprehensive legal support.
HTP Company Liquidation
Efficiently wind down your HTP company while maintaining legal compliance. Our experts guide you through the entire process, minimizing disruptions to your business.
Trade Secret Protection
Safeguard your valuable intellectual property with robust legal strategies. We help you implement effective measures to protect your competitive advantage.
Taxation, Business Processes, and Labor Relations
Optimize your HTP operations with tailored tax, HR, and operational advice. Our experts help you navigate the Belarusian business environment efficiently.
Foreign Employee Registration
Simplify the process of hiring foreign specialists for your HTP company. We handle all necessary paperwork and compliance requirements.
Legal Document Development
Create essential internal documents tailored to HTP requirements. Our experts draft trade secret policies, labor contracts, and other critical documents.
HTP Representation
Advocate for your interests within Belarusian government agencies. We provide effective representation to resolve issues and protect your company’s position.

Requirements for companies – candidates for the High Technology Park residents

Software Development

Software Development

Design, development, implementation, and documentation of software products, including computer games, for various platforms.

Software Production

Software Production

Customized software development based on client specifications. 

IT Systems Integration

IT Systems Integration

Implementation, support, and maintenance of complex IT systems.

Software Development Services

Software Development Services

Providing development, testing, and modification services for software products.

Data Processing

Data Processing

Handling and processing data using specialized software.

IT Consulting

IT Consulting

Offering strategic advice on IT systems and processes to enhance business efficiency.

Cyber Sports

Cyber Sports

Engaging in the organization and operation of esports activities.

Requirements for HTP Residency


Business Project

A detailed outline of the company’s proposed activities within the park, including financial projections and market analysis.


Company Registration

Official documentation confirming the company’s legal status.


Financial Information

Basic financial data to assess the company’s viability.

How to enter HTP

  • Determine activities according to the HTP list: Identify which of your company’s activities align with the HTP’s core areas to assess eligibility.

  • Take decision to join the HTP: Evaluate the potential benefits and decide if HTP residency aligns with your business goals.

  • Prepare documents for registration: Gather the necessary paperwork, such as company registration certificates and financial statements.

  • Create a business plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your company’s objectives, market analysis, and financial projections.

  • Submit documents for registration: Submit the completed application and supporting documents to the HTP authorities.

  • Join and start acting as a HTP resident: Upon approval, formalize your residency and begin operating as an HTP company.

Residents of the High Technology Park are exempted from paying a number of taxes

Подоходный налог Беларусь

Income Taxation

HTP residents benefit from a reduced corporate income tax rate of 12% on dividends paid to Belarusian entities. For undistributed profits, the rate can be as low as 0%. However, specific income streams, such as securities trading, interest income, and capital gains, may be subject to a 9% income tax.
Read article
НДС Беларусь

Value Added Tax (VAT)

HTP residents are generally exempt from VAT on domestic sales, with exceptions for exported goods and property leases. This exemption fosters a competitive business environment.
Read article
Пошлина в Беларусь

Offshore Duty Exemption

HTP residents are exempt from offshore duty on various transactions, including advertising, marketing, intermediary services, dividend payments, and profit distributions. This measure simplifies cross-border operations.
Read article
Налоги для иностранных компаний в Беларуси

Foreign Organization Income Tax

Foreign companies operating within the HTP through data processing, information placement, or intermediary services are generally exempt from income tax. Dividend payments may be subject to a 5% tax rate, unless a more favorable tax treaty applies.
Read article

Specific features of business processes of HTP residents

Contractual Flexibility

Contractual Flexibility

HTP residents can execute contracts with non-residents electronically, streamlining cross-border transactions.

Simplified Accounting

Simplified Accounting

HTP residents can prepare primary accounting documents without requiring physical signatures from non-resident parties.

Talent Attraction

Talent Attraction

Non-resident employees of HTP companies can enjoy visa-free entry to Belarus, facilitating talent acquisition.

Innovative Financial Instruments

Innovative Financial Instruments

HTP residents can utilize a broader range of financial instruments, including options, non-transfer agreements, and convertible loans.

Foreign Exchange Freedom

Foreign Exchange Freedom

HTP residents are exempt from registering foreign exchange contracts, enhancing operational efficiency.

HTP Fund Contribution

HTP Fund Contribution

Residents contribute 1% of their net revenue to the HTP fund to support the park’s ecosystem.

Why us?

Expert Legal Team

Expert Legal Team

Our skilled lawyers possess in-depth knowledge of Belarusian law and HTP regulations, ensuring optimal legal support.

Global Reach

Global Reach

With a global perspective, we effectively handle complex cross-border transactions and navigate international legal landscapes.

Multilingual Services

Multilingual Services

Our team’s language proficiency facilitates seamless communication and collaboration with clients worldwide.

Comprehensive Consulting

Comprehensive Consulting

Beyond legal expertise, we offer strategic business consulting to drive your HTP venture’s success.

Competitive Pricing

Competitive Pricing

We provide high-quality legal services at competitive rates without compromising service standards.

Reliable Delivery

Reliable Delivery

Our commitment to meeting deadlines and delivering results on time is a cornerstone of our service.


What is the HTP in the Republic of Belarus?

The HTP is the High Technology Park in Belarus.

It’s a special economic zone designed to foster innovation and IT development. The HTP offers significant tax benefits, a skilled workforce, and a supportive business environment to attract and grow technology companies.

Statistical Data about the High-Tech Park

The High Technology Park (HTP) in Belarus has experienced explosive growth, attracting over 1,000 companies and employing over 60,000 people. The park has become a magnet for global tech giants, hosting over 100 R&D centers.

A cornerstone of Belarus’s economy, the HTP contributes approximately 4% to the country’s GDP. It has generated substantial foreign investment, exceeding $400 million in 2022 alone. The park is a major exporter, with HTP residents contributing around 30% of Belarus’s total service exports.

The HTP is a hotbed of innovation and job creation, with over 6,000 new jobs created in 2022 alone. It has also become a popular destination for foreign IT specialists, with thousands relocating to Belarus in recent years.

Beyond economic indicators, the HTP has enhanced Belarus’s global reputation as a tech hub, hosting numerous international delegations and solidifying its position on the world stage.

The number of HTP residents

As of December 2023, the High Technology Park (HTP) in Belarus had approximately 454 resident companies.

This number represents a significant growth from previous years, with a substantial increase in new residents joining the park in recent times.  

From the History of HTP

The High Technology Park (HTP) in Belarus was established in 2005. It was a bold initiative aimed at transforming the country’s economy by fostering innovation and technological advancement.

From its inception, the HTP focused on creating a favorable environment for IT companies, offering significant tax incentives, infrastructure support, and access to a skilled workforce. The goal was to attract both domestic and foreign IT businesses to set up operations within the park.

Over the years, the HTP has experienced rapid growth and expansion. It has evolved from a relatively small initiative to a major economic driver for Belarus. The park’s success can be attributed to its strategic focus on IT, a supportive government policy, and the availability of talented IT professionals within the country.

Contact us

    • Lawyer
      Legal assistance is provided by advocate Anton Grinewich, Specialized Legal Bar No. 2 in Minsk.
    • E-mail
    • Address
      Office: 1 Krasnaya str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus Postal address: 1 Krasnaya str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus
    • Working hours
      Monday-Friday 9:00-19:00