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Start your IT venture in Belarus with ease

Register your IT company

Register a Legal Entity in Belarus

Need a hassle-free way to establish your business in Belarus? Our turnkey solution offers comprehensive services to streamline the process. From company formation to obtaining necessary permits and licenses, we handle every aspect, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience. Our expert team will guide you through the legal and administrative procedures, saving you time and effort. With our turnkey solution, you can focus on building your business while we take care of the complexities.

Taxation Systems for IT Companies: Simplified and General Taxation

In Belarus, IT companies have the option to choose between the general and simplified taxation systems. The simplified system is often preferred by IT companies due to its lower tax rates. However, to qualify for the simplified system, companies must meet certain criteria, including a limited number of employees and a specific revenue threshold.

The general taxation system, on the other hand, involves paying VAT, profit tax, and other applicable taxes. When deciding which system is best for your IT company, it’s crucial to assess your company’s specific circumstances and determine the most advantageous option based on your revenue, expenses, and other factors.

IT company in Belarus

Why Enter the High Technology Park (HTP)?

Joining the HTP offers significant benefits for IT companies operating in Belarus. Here are some key advantages:

  • Tax Incentives: HTP residents enjoy a preferential tax regime, including a reduced corporate income tax rate and exemptions from certain other taxes.

  • Simplified Legal Procedures: The HTP provides streamlined administrative processes, reducing the bureaucratic burden on companies.

  • Access to a Skilled Workforce: Belarus boasts a strong pool of IT talent, and HTP companies can easily recruit qualified professionals.

  • Infrastructure and Support: The HTP offers modern infrastructure, including office space, IT facilities, and business support services.

  • International Recognition: Membership in the HTP enhances a company’s reputation and credibility in the global IT market.

  • Opportunities for Growth: The HTP provides a favorable environment for IT companies to expand their operations and attract investment.

By leveraging these benefits, IT companies can achieve significant growth and success in Belarus.

Our Services

Comprehensive Consulting Support
Our experts provide guidance throughout the registration process, ensuring a smooth and efficient startup for your IT company.
Name Harmonization
We assist in selecting a unique and appropriate name for your legal entity, adhering to Belarusian regulations.
Document Preparation
Our team prepares all necessary documents, including the company charter, application forms, and other required paperwork.
Bank Account Opening
We guide you through the process of opening a corporate bank account, ensuring seamless financial transactions.
Seal Procurement
We help you obtain the necessary seal for your legal entity, a crucial requirement for conducting business in Belarus.
Management Company Services
Our management company services offer professional administration and support, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

Types of Legal Entities in Belarus

CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock Company)

CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock Company)

Suitable for companies with a limited number of shareholders and a desire to maintain control within a specific group.

JSC (Joint-Stock Company)

JSC (Joint-Stock Company)

Ideal for companies seeking to raise capital through public offerings and attract a wider range of investors.

LLC (Limited Liability Company)

LLC (Limited Liability Company)

A popular choice for small and medium-sized businesses due to its flexibility and limited liability protection.

Unitary Enterprise

Unitary Enterprise

Often used by state-owned entities or organizations with a specific purpose or mission.

ALC (Additional Liability Company)

ALC (Additional Liability Company)

A less common option, but can be considered in situations where additional liability protection is needed, while maintaining some flexibility.

Who Can Be a Founder of a Legal Entity in Belarus?

In Belarus, both individuals and organizations can act as founders of a legal entity. Russian citizens and organizations are eligible to establish companies in Belarus. To register an LLC, Russian individuals must provide notarized copies of their passports and powers of attorney for a representative. Russian organizations need to submit an extract from the unified state register of legal entities and a notarized power of attorney. Citizenship is not a barrier to becoming a director of an LLC in Belarus. A Russian citizen can hold this position without any restrictions.

Opening Process for a Legal Entity in Belarus

Name Approval
Ensure your chosen company name is unique and complies with Belarusian regulations, avoiding any conflicts with existing names or trademarks.
Legal Address Selection
Choose a suitable address for your company’s operations. Consider the company’s location, business activities, and tax implications.
Activity Code Selection
Determine the primary activity code that best describes your company’s business, using the Belarusian classification of economic activities (OKED).
General Meeting or Sole Founder Decision
Convene a general meeting of founders or make a decision as a sole founder to establish the company and set out its initial objectives.
Articles of Association Preparation
Draft the company’s articles of association, outlining its structure, objectives, governance, and other essential details. They will serve as the company’s governing document.
Application for Registration
Complete the necessary application forms with information about the company’s founders, name, address, and other relevant details for state registration, including the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRE).
State Duty Payment
Pay the required state duty for registration. The amount of the duty will depend on the type of legal entity being formed.
Document Submission
Submit the completed application, articles of association, and other required documents to the registering authority. The authority will review the documents and process the registration application.
Seal Creation
Create a seal for your legal entity. The seal will be used to authenticate company documents and contracts.
Tax Authority Submission and Taxation System Choice
Submit documents to the tax authorities and select the most suitable taxation system for your company.
Current Account Opening
Open a corporate bank account for your company’s financial transactions. The bank will require certain documents, such as the company’s registration certificate and articles of association.
EDS/GUSSUOC Acquisition
Obtain an electronic digital signature or a GUSSUOC certificate for online interactions with government agencies. These certificates will allow you to conduct various administrative procedures electronically.

Why Choose Us

Comprehensive Approach

Comprehensive Approach

We offer a complete range of services, from company registration to ongoing support, ensuring a seamless and efficient process.

Turnkey Work

Turnkey Work

Our turnkey solutions handle all aspects of the process, saving you time and effort. We take care of the complexities, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

RTW Experts

RTW Experts

Our team of experts has deep knowledge of Belarusian regulations and IT industry best practices, providing valuable guidance and support.



We prioritize your needs and provide personalized service tailored to your specific requirements. Our goal is to help you achieve your business objectives in Belarus.

Works with Foreign Nationals

Works with Foreign Nationals

We assist foreign individuals and entities in establishing businesses in Belarus. Our team is experienced in navigating the legal and administrative processes for non-residents.

Extensive IT Experience

Extensive IT Experience

Our team has extensive experience in the IT industry, offering valuable insights and guidance. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by IT companies operating in Belarus.


Who can be a director of a company with foreign participation in Belarus?

A director of a company with foreign participation in Belarus can be a citizen of any country. There are no specific nationality requirements for directors of such companies. However, foreign directors may need to obtain work permits or visas if they plan to reside and work in Belarus on a regular basis.

What names are appropriate for a company in IT?

When choosing a name for your IT company, think about what your business does and what you want people to remember. Keep it simple, easy to spell, and catchy. Check if the name is available for a website and trademark. You can use descriptive names, creative names, acronyms, or words that have special meanings. Test your name with others to see what they think.

What taxes does a legal entity in Belarus pay in IT?

IT companies in Belarus can choose between the general and simplified taxation systems. The general system includes corporate income tax, VAT, and other taxes. The simplified system has a single tax and no VAT. Companies in the High Technology Park (HTP) enjoy tax benefits. It’s best to talk to a tax expert to find the right system for your business and make sure you follow all tax laws.

What benefits are received when joining an HTP?

The HTP offers several significant benefits to IT companies operating in Belarus:

  • Tax Incentives: Enjoy a reduced corporate income tax rate and exemptions from certain other taxes.
  • Simplified Legal Procedures: Benefit from streamlined administrative processes and reduced bureaucratic burdens.
  • Access to a Skilled Workforce: Tap into a pool of highly qualified IT professionals.
  • Infrastructure and Support: Utilize modern infrastructure, including office space, IT facilities, and business support services.
  • International Recognition: Enhance your company’s reputation and credibility in the global IT market.
  • Opportunities for Growth: Expand your operations and attract investment in a favorable business environment.

By joining the HTP, IT companies can gain a competitive edge and achieve long-term success in Belarus.

Can a foreign citizen be a director of a legal entity?

Yes, a foreign citizen can be a director of a legal entity in Belarus. There are no specific nationality requirements for directors of companies in Belarus. However, foreign directors may need to obtain work permits or visas if they plan to reside and work in the country on a regular basis.
It’s important to consult with local authorities or legal professionals to ensure compliance with any specific requirements or restrictions that may apply to foreign directors.

Norms for the amount of authorized capital of a new company

The amount of money you need to start a company in Belarus depends on the type of company you want to form and what you plan to do with it. Generally, you’ll need to have some money for things like registering the company, paying taxes, and renting office space. It’s a good idea to talk to a lawyer or accountant to get a better idea of how much money you’ll need. Typically, a minimum authorized capital for LLC of 10,000 Belarusian rubles is sufficient. The minimum authorized capital for a JSC depends on the type of shares issued. For ordinary shares, it’s usually 50,000 Belarusian rubles, while for preferred shares, it’s 100,000 Belarusian rubles.

Contact us

    • Lawyer
      Legal assistance is provided by advocate Anton Grinewich, Specialized Legal Bar No. 2 in Minsk.
    • E-mail
    • Address
      Office: 1 Krasnaya str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus Postal address: 1 Krasnaya str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus
    • Working hours
      Monday-Friday 9:00-19:00