Expert legal support for divorce cases involving foreign citizens in Belarus, ensuring smooth resolution.

Divorce lawyer
Experienced divorce lawyers specialize in handling complex cases involving foreign citizens. Whether you’re dealing with international property division, custody issues, or the legalities of a cross-border divorce, we provide expert guidance to ensure your rights are protected. Lawyers on our site work closely with clients to navigate the intricacies of Belarusian divorce laws, offering personalized support throughout the entire process. Let us help you achieve a fair and favorable resolution to your divorce case.
How to Get a Divorce When a Foreign Citizen Spouse Has a Permanent Residence Permit in Belarus
Divorcing a foreign citizen with a permanent residence permit in Belarus follows the same procedure as for Belarusian citizens, as per Article 231 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The process may vary depending on whether the couple has minor children or disputes regarding property division.
If there are no minor children or property disputes, the couple can file for divorce at the civil registry office. A joint application, identity documents, a marriage certificate, and proof of payment of the state duty are required. The divorce will be formalized within one to two months.
If there are minor children, disagreements, or property disputes, the divorce petition must be filed with the court. The application must include detailed information about the spouses, their children, and any property disputes. Special considerations may apply, such as health issues or the spouse’s absence.

Collection of Child Support
The Republic of Belarus is a party to the 1956 Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance, which Belarus acceded to on September 27, 1996. According to the Convention, the State under whose law child support recovery is considered is the respondent State. If the former spouse resides in a foreign country, Belarusian citizens seeking child support recovery must apply to the Ministry of Justice for assistance in enforcing the alimony payment.
Determination of the Place of Residence of the Child
Determining the child’s place of residence after a divorce with a foreign citizen can be complicated, especially when the parents live in different countries. If an agreement cannot be reached, the court will resolve the dispute. The court considers all factors, including the parents’ identity, income, involvement in the child’s upbringing, and the child’s attachment to the parent. Priority is typically given to the parent residing in the child’s country of citizenship.

Division of Property After Divorce
Generally, property acquired during a marriage to a foreign citizen is divided equally between the spouses upon divorce. The laws of the country where the spouses had their permanent residence will apply to the division of property. For immovable property, the laws of the country where the property is located will govern its division. This ensures that the property is divided fairly based on the legal framework of the respective countries involved.
Debt Distribution During Divorce
To avoid disputes over debts with a foreign ex-spouse, it’s essential to properly formalize any borrowed money through a contract, not just a receipt. The court typically decides on debt division, considering whether the borrowed money was used for family purposes. For example, if one spouse borrowed money for family expenses, like renovating the apartment or purchasing a car, both spouses may be responsible for repaying the debt after the divorce. Proper documentation is key to ensuring fairness.
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АдвокатЮридическую помощь оказывает адвокат Антон Гриневич, Специализированная коллегия адвокатов № 2 в Минске.
АдресОфис: 220029, Республика Беларусь, город Минск, улица Красная 1, комната 3, этаж 1. Почтовый адрес: 220029, Республика Беларусь, город Минск, улица Красная 1, комната 3, этаж 1.
Время работыПонедельник – Пятница 9:00-19:00