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International Adoption

Good deeds have no boundaries, but potential adoptive parents, adoptive parents of children always have a lot of questions about the registration of international adoption.

General conditions for the adoption of children

Persons who permanently reside in Belarus, regardless of their citizenship, can adopt children who are citizens of the Republic of Belarus and foreign children who permanently reside on the territory of Belarus. Citizens of foreign states who live outside the Republic of Belarus can be adoptive parents of children — citizens of the Republic of Belarus with some peculiarities.

Adoption in Belarus takes place on the basis of a court decision. After adoption, the same responsibilities arise between the adoptive parent and the child as between the parent and the child.

It is possible to adopt a child under the age of 18 who has a single parent or both parents:

  • died,
  • deprived of parental rights,
  • consented to the adoption of a child,
  • recognized in court as incompetent, missing or deceased,
  • unknown.

There are peculiarities in the adoption of brothers and sisters.

You can adopt a child with any health condition. The adoptive parent is provided with all the information about the child’s health and the information that is available about close relatives and their health.

Before starting the adoption process, candidates for adoptive parents need to establish communication with the child they want to adopt.

Not everyone can be an adoptive parent (adopter). They cannot be adoptive parents, for example, those who do not have a permanent place of residence, income that provides a child with a living wage established in Belarus, have some diseases.

The child’s relatives have a preferential right to adoption.

The age difference between the child and the adoptive parent (adopter) must be at least 16 years and no more than 45 years. The court can change this difference when a stepmother or stepfather adopts a child.

You can adopt a child from the age of 10 only with his consent.

Adoptive parents — foreign citizens with a residence permit in Belarus

For adoption, a foreign citizen who has a residence permit must obtain a written permission for adoption from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

A republican adoption data bank has been created in Belarus.

Foreign citizens who are not relatives of a child can adopt a child only a year after the data of this child was included in the republican data bank.

When foreign citizens with a residence permit want to adopt a foreign child who lives in Belarus, it is necessary to obtain a written permission from the state authority of the state whose citizenship the child has.

Adoptive parents are foreign citizens who permanently reside abroad in Belarus

Foreign citizens can adopt a child who is a citizen of Belarus if the condition is met, the child is included in the list of children for whom international adoption is possible.

The procedure of international adoption has been agreed between the competent authorities of Belarus and another state. This condition is not required when it comes to the international adoption of a child by his stepfather, stepmother, or other relatives of the child.

Currently, the procedure of international adoption is coordinated only with the Italian Republic. Italian citizens can adopt only those children who are included in the list for international adoption, whom they have repeatedly accepted into their family when a parent-child relationship has developed between the family and the child.

How the court considers the case of adoption

International adoption takes place by the decision of the regional court in the region of the country where the child lives, and in the city of Minsk — by the decision of the Minsk City Court. To begin the judicial review, persons who want to adopt a child submit an application to the court.

In cases of international adoption, the adoptive parents themselves, the prosecutor, representatives of the guardianship authority and the National Adoption Center are present in court.

The guardianship authority prepares for the court an opinion on the validity of the adoption, whether it corresponds to the interests of the child, about the nature of the personal communication of the adoptive parent with the child.

From the date of entry into force of the court decision on adoption, the child is considered adopted.

How we can be useful in solving issues of international adoption of children

Our lawyers and attorneys are experienced specialists in family law and speak English. We can:

  • Advise you on the issues of international adoption of children;
  • Explain whether you can be an adoptive parent of a certain child;
  • Analyze the possible order of development of the case of international adoption;
  • Make a list of documents for you that the court will require;
  • Make an application to the court;
  • Represent your interests in court under a power of attorney.

Contact us

If you have any questions or disputes in the field of international adoption of children — we will be happy to help you! Our many years of experience in the field of family law will help you in resolving any disputes in this area.
Phone and email communication options are available for your convenience:

  • +375291422719 (WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber);
  • info@ambylegal.by.
Contact us


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