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Representation in the Supreme Court

In Belarus, the Supreme Court hears disputes only on intellectual property issues. The Supreme Court considers other disputes when the party to the dispute appeals the decisions of lower courts. An experienced lawyer can prepare documents for consideration in the Supreme Court and represent the interests of a company or an individual. Our team will help successfully protect the interests of the client, speed up or not delay the trial. We fully accompany you in resolving a disputed issue: from consultation and preparation of documents to participation in court proceedings on your side.

Who can represent the interests of the company in the Supreme Court

  • Lawyer

A lawyer, the head of an organization or an employee may participate in court sessions in the Supreme Court.

A contract is concluded with a lawyer, since representation of interests in court is a type of legal assistance. We can conclude a contract for the execution of a specific order (participation in the consideration of one case) or for long—term service – a contract for subscription service. Important terms of the contract for the provision of legal assistance: the lawyer’s fee and the procedure for its payment, the types of legal assistance that the lawyer provides to the client. In addition to the contract, the client will be required to provide a power of attorney to a lawyer to represent interests in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus. The power of attorney does not need to be notarized, it is signed by the director of the company. In the Supreme Court, a lawyer presents a lawyer’s certificate and a power of attorney. Our lawyers have a professional approach to the trial and objectively assess the actions and omissions of the parties to the dispute. In advance, we will study all the documents, advise the client about the possibilities and prospects of resolving the case.

  • Head of the company

The head of the company does not need a power of attorney to represent the interests of the company in the Supreme Court. In court, you will need to show a document that confirms the status of the head, and a passport. The status of a manager can be confirmed by an appointment order, an employment contract or an extract from it, a civil contract (when the company has concluded it with a management company or an individual entrepreneur manager) or an extract from such a document. The document or extract must be valid as of the date of consideration of the case in the Supreme Court. A manager who has already been dismissed cannot represent the interests of the company in court.

  • Company employee

Usually, the interests of the company in court are represented by a lawyer of the company or a manager, an employee of the legal service. Such an employee needs a written power of attorney on behalf of the organization to represent its interests in the Supreme Court. You do not need to certify such a power of attorney with a notary. The main thing is to indicate on the power of attorney the date of issue, the authority of the employee and the signature of the head of the organization. If the validity period of the power of attorney is not specified in it, it is valid for 1 year. The validity period can be specified within three years. You can issue a power of attorney to participate in the consideration of a certain case.

Who can represent the interests of an individual in the Supreme Court

The interests of an individual in the Supreme Court may be represented by lawyers, legal representatives, close relatives, husband, wife, representatives appointed by the court, one of the participants in the trial on behalf of other participants, patent attorney. For the court, you need to make copies of the representatives’ powers of attorney, since the court can attach the originals to the case.

  • Lawyer

A contract is concluded with a lawyer, the court usually does not request it. A lawyer submits to the court a lawyer’s certificate and a warrant or power of attorney in simple written form — without notarization. A power of attorney can be issued to a lawyer to perform certain actions: for example, to submit documents for consideration of an appeal in the Supreme Court. You can issue a power of attorney to conduct a certain case or represent the interests of the principal — an individual in any case for a certain period of time. In the power of attorney, it is important to list the powers to conduct the case in the Supreme Court. Our lawyers have extensive experience in preparing documents of individuals for consideration in the Supreme Court.

  • Patent Attorney

With the participation of a patent attorney, cases in the field of intellectual property are considered in the Supreme Court. The patent attorney submits to the court, in addition to the power of attorney, the certificate of registration of the patent attorney.

  • Legal representatives of an individual

The legal representatives of an individual are parents, guardians, adoptive parents, trustees of incapacitated, not fully capable, recognized as limited capable citizens. Legal representatives without a power of attorney defend the interests of such citizens in court.

How we can be useful in representing the client’s interests in the Supreme Court

Our lawyers and attorneys have been engaged in judicial representation, preparation of documents for consideration in the Supreme Court and participation in dispute resolution for more than 10 years. We can:

  • Advise you on the preparation of documents for consideration in the Supreme Court;
  • Advise you on issues related to the representation of interests in the Supreme Court;
  • Prepare documents for consideration in the Supreme Court;
  • Represent your interests in court proceedings.

Contact us

If you have any questions about representing interests in the Supreme Court or need to represent your interests – we will be happy to help you! Our long-term experience of representing clients, including in the Supreme Court, allows us to provide professional and high-quality advice on representation of interests, and professionally protect your interests in the highest court of the Republic of Belarus.
Phone and email communication options are available for your convenience:

  • +375291422719 (WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber);
  • info@ambylegal.by.
Contact us


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