Private clients may need legal assistance in Belarus on completely different issues: participation in court proceedings, inheritance, family relations related to marriage, divorce, child rearing, obtaining documents from government agencies, disposal of securities, etc. A private person does not always have competence in such matters, therefore, for their successful solution, the help of a qualified lawyer is needed. Our lawyers have extensive experience in resolving issues of private clients and are ready to advise you.
Types of legal assistance to private clients in Belarus
Legal assistance to private clients in Belarus has many types:
Legal advice
Private clients can turn to lawyers for advice on various legal issues such as inheritance, family law, real estate, labor relations, criminal law, etc.
Representation in court
Lawyers provide services to represent the interests of private clients in court in various disputes, including civil, family, labor and others.
Drafting and verification of contracts
Lawyers help individuals to draw up and verify various contracts, including purchase and sale, lease, employment contracts, loan agreements and others.
Assistance in paperwork
Lawyers can help with the preparation of various legal documents, such as wills, powers of attorney, agreements, etc.
Assistance in solving immigration issues
For private clients who have questions about immigration, lawyers can provide support and advice on obtaining permits for temporary or permanent residence in Belarus.
Consumer protection
Lawyers can represent clients in the field of consumer protection, for example, in the case of claims against sellers or service providers.
A special feature of legal assistance to private clients in Belarus is that licensed lawyers or law offices are often involved for legal advice and representation in court. This guarantees a high professional level of services and protection of clients’ interests. It is important to contact qualified lawyers who are familiar with local regulations and judicial practice
Features of legal assistance for private clients
Legal assistance to private clients in Belarus is provided only by lawyers when it comes to representing clients’ interests in courts, in bodies that conduct criminal or administrative proceedings. A lawyer must have a license to practice law.
In other cases, qualified lawyers can provide legal assistance to private clients. In particular, during negotiations, in enforcement proceedings, when drafting various documents and representing interests in state bodies, except for courts and bodies that conduct criminal and administrative proceedings.
The services of lawyers are paid, but according to Belarusian laws, free consultations are possible for some categories of private clients. For example, lawyers help free of charge in the preparation of applications and in court in cases related to labor relations, the recovery of alimony and the deprivation of parental rights.
Legal services are usually paid for private clients. There are cases when the fee is collected not from customers, but from the perpetrators. For example, in some cases, the services of lawyers of public associations for consumer protection are free for private clients. Subsequently, the cost of lawyers’ work is recovered from the perpetrators.
A contract is concluded with a lawyer for the provision of legal assistance.
Representation of your interests by a power of attorney
In some cases, the interests of private clients can be represented by a power of attorney. A power of attorney to represent the interests of a private client must be certified by a notary. If the private client is not a citizen of Belarus and is located in Belarus, the power of attorney can be issued by a Belarusian notary. To be used in another state, such a power of attorney must be translated, legalized or apostilled. It depends on which State the power of attorney will be used in.
If the private client is not a citizen of Belarus and is located in another state, then the power of attorney issued in that state must be translated into Russian or Belarusian, the translation certified by a notary and also legalized or apostilled for use in Belarus.
We represent your interests in negotiations
Negotiations may be required when purchasing or selling property in Belarus, when settling disputes involving a mediator, and in other matters. Most often, negotiations with the participation of a mediator are available for disputes that have arisen in civil, family, labor and other legal relations. Negotiations are possible even when the dispute is being considered by the court, before a court ruling on the case is issued. The purpose of mediation is to resolve the dispute by agreeing on mutually acceptable terms. A representative of a private client participates in mediation together with the other party to the dispute or its representative and mediator.
The maximum period of mediation is no more than 6 months from the date of conclusion of the agreement on the use of mediation. To represent interests in mediation, you need a power of attorney from a private client.
We represent your interests in government agencies
Representation in government agencies may be required when dealing with issues related to the taxation of individuals, registration of the sale or purchase of real estate or a car, and various administrative procedures. We also represent the interests of private clients in courts when considering various disputes.
Only lawyers defend private clients in criminal proceedings, in civil cases, economic cases and cases of administrative offenses in courts and government agencies that conduct criminal and administrative proceedings.
How we can be useful in providing legal assistance to private clients
Our lawyers and attorneys are experienced specialists in the field of providing legal assistance to private clients and speak English. We can:
- Advise you on legal issues and choose the best way to provide you with legal assistance, taking into account your interests;
- Provide you with legal assistance from drafting documents to representing your interests in government agencies and courts;
- Represent your interests in negotiations, including those related to the disposal of real estate in Belarus.
Contact us
If you have any questions about legal assistance to private clients, we will be happy to help you! Our many years of experience in providing legal assistance to private clients will help you in resolving any disputes and situations.
Phone and email communication options are available for your convenience:
- +375291422719 (WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber);