Our Services
Private Clients
- Representation of the Interests of Individuals in State Bodies
- Representing the Interests of Individuals in Negotiations
- Representation of Interests of Individuals by Power of Attorney in Belarus
- Representing the Interests of Private Clients on the Purchase/Sale of Shares
- Representation of Interests in the Acquisition/Disposal of Bonds
Family Law
- Divorce with a Foreign Citizen – Legal Assistance for International Cases
- Divorce with Belarusian citizen
- Place of Living of a Child
- Legal Assistance for Taking Your Child Abroad
- Deprivation of Parental Rights
- International Adoption
- Collection of Alimony from a Citizen of Belarus
- Collection of Alimony from Foreigner
- Marriage Contract
- The Dispute Challenging the Record on the Parents
- Procedure for the Participation of Grandparents and Other Persons in the Child’s Upbringing
- The Procedure for the Participation of the Father (mother) in the Upbringing of a Child
- Restriction of Parental Rights
Legal assistance
The lawyers of our company have extensive experience in providing legal assistance in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. We provide legal
assistance in various areas of law: corporate law, tax law, contract law, labor law, migration law, construction law, etc.
We provide legal assistance of the highest quality: over the past 5 (five) years we have not lost a single Client, absolutely all Clients were
satisfied with the quality of legal assistance we provide.
The quality of the legal assistance we provide has long been appreciated by leading international organizations such as the World Bank, IFC, as well
as foreign embassies. Our law firm is also recommended by the British and US embassies in the Republic of Belarus.
Contact us